李罡博士,本科毕业于南昌航空大学,硕士毕业于韩国釜山国立大学,博士毕业于韩国釜庆国立大学。主要研究方向:增强/虚拟现实、人因工程、脑科学。以第一作者,在相关领域共发表计算机顶会2篇(包括IEEE VR和ACM CHI)和JCRQ1 SCI论文4篇(包括IEEEJournal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, IEEE Transactions on IntelligentTransportation, IEEE Sensors Journal和IEEE Transactionson Human-Machine Systems等领域内知名期刊)、其他SCI/EI/会议论文30篇,书籍章节1篇。被引用次数超过900次(Google Scholar),H指数12。主持国家级青年项目1项(国家自然科学基金青年项目),省部级人才项目1项(上海市青年英才扬帆计划)。主要学术兼职:国家自然科学基金信息学部评审专家、NeuroImage, IEEESensors Journal, IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems, IEEE Transactionson Cognitive and Developmental Systems等8个JCR Q1国际知名期刊的审稿人。曾获2015年国家优秀自费留学生奖学金、2016年IEEE生物医学电路与系统分会优秀现场演示、2015年第十届春晖杯中国留学人员创新创业大赛优胜奖、2018年科技部第二届国际新能源及智能汽车大赛全球总决赛优秀奖、2018年第二届北美汽车创新创业大赛硅谷决赛二等、2020年IEEE虚拟现实和人工智能大会最佳论文奖提名。
1. Gang Li, Adeel Khan and Guoxing Wang, “Deep Learning onVR-induced Attention,” Proceeding of 2nd IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence & Virtual Reality, San Diego, California, U.S., Dec9-11, 2019 (In Press).
2. Gang Li, Joaquin A. Anguera, Guoxing Wang and AdamGazzaley, “Enhanced Attention Using Head-Mounted Virtual Reality,” Journalof Cognitive Neuroscience (SCI(E), IF: 3.468, ISSN: 0898-929X) (underreview).
3. Gang Li, Shihong Zhou, Zhen Kong and Mengyuan Zhou,“Enhanced Attentional Engagement in Young Adults Using Closed-loop AttentionRestoration Theory,” IEEE Transactions on Cognitive andDevelopmental Systems (SCI(E), IF: 2.332, ISSN: 2168-2291), 2019 (underreview).
4. Weilong Zheng, Kunpeng Gao, Gang Li, Wei Liu, Chao Liu,Jingquan Liu, Guoxing Wang and Baoling Lv, “Vigilance Estimation Using aWearable EOG Device in Real Driving Environment,” IEEE Transactions on IntelligentTransportation Systems (SCI(E), IF:4.051, ISSN:1524-9050) (In Press)
5. Gang Li, and Wan-Young Chung, “A CombinedEEG-Gyroscope-tDCS Brain Machine Interface System for Early Management ofDriver Drowsiness,” IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems (SCI(E), IF: 2.493,ISSN: 2168-2291), Vol. 48, No. 1, pp.50-62, Feb.2018.
6. GangLi, Zhe Zhang and Guoxing Wang, “Emotion recognition based onlow-cost in-ear EEG,” Proceeding of 13th IEEE Conference onBiomedical Circuits and Systems (2017 BioCAS), pp.1-4, Turlin, Italy, Oct 19-21, 2017.
7. GangLi, Yong Lian and Guoxing Wang, “Live Demonstration: Evaluationof Consumer's Preference Using AugmentedReality and EEG,” Proceeding of 12th IEEE Conference on Biomedical Circuits and Systems(2016 BioCAS), pp.133-133,Shanghai, China, Oct 17-19, 2016.
8. Gang Li, Boon-Leng Lee and Wan-Young Chung,“Smartwatch-based Wearable EEG System for Driver Drowsiness Detection,” IEEESensors Journal (SCI(E), IF: 2.512, ISSN: 1530-437X), Vol. 15, No. 12,pp. 7169-7180, Sep. 2015. (Top 25 popular articles)
9. Gang Li and Wan-Young Chung, “A Context-aware EEG Headset System for Early Detection of Driver Drowsiness,” Sensors (SCI(E), IF:2.245, ISSN: 1424-8220), Vol. 15, No. 8, pp. 20873-20893, August 2015.
10. GangLi and Wan-Young Chung,“Estimation of Eye Closure Degree Using EEG Sensors and Its Application in DriverDrowsiness Detection,” Sensors (SCI(E), IF: 2.048,ISSN:1424-8220), Vol. 14, No. 9, pp. 17491-17515, September 2014.